El Camino High School Art Show & Reception

El Camino High School Art Show & Reception

Art Walls O’side @ O’side Bakery

Tenth Exhibition

El Camino High School                                      Student Art Reception

Friday, January 17, 2020


“O’side Art”

El Camino High School Art reveals to the viewer a collective and multifaceted prism of students’ imaginations in our very own community. Their art reaches out from the Valley to the Pier and beyond, to showcase fantasies, dreams, and wonders. The oeuvre of traditional two-dimensional images you are viewing, ranges in style, media, and dimensions. The constant of the work, however, is our students’ unlimited creative potential in a world of constant technological change and diminishing imagination.

Diego De La Luz, Art Instructor
El Camino High School

“The Art of Photography”



Here at El Camino High School, students begin their photography journey with the basics of taking pictures with cell phones. Afterwards, they start to explore taking high quality photos with digital cameras. Once they have a full understanding of how to capture an image with the correct exposure, contrast, composition and focus, the next step is to add creative edits. With the use of the latest Adobe Photoshop software, students gain new insights as they explore various editing techniques. By the year’s end students have completed numerous photographic works of art that share their creative voice.

Anika Victoria-Wong, Instructor


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